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Advance Forward Consulting was founded with a single mission: to develop individuals into highly effective leaders through intentional skill development.


Strong leadership serves as the foundation for organizational growth. With this in mind, my objective is to bring intentional skill development into your organization to foster top talent retention, build a robust succession bench, and create a thriving culture.


Through a collaborative and tailored approach let's address your organization's unique challenges and determine the right solution for your desired outcomes.

Business People Applauding


The estimated cost of replacing a high performing employee can be up to 200% of their annual salary. Estimated costs include recruiting, interviewing, onboarding and lost productivity.

Studies show more than
50% of employees who leave their jobs do so because of their manager.


Transform and elevate your team's leadership with Jenny Floros. Benefiting from her customized coaching, my entire leadership team has turned opportunities into strengths. Jenny's influence is a game changer across organizational levels. Add her to your developmental toolbelt – she's an impactful asset.

Mike D. RVP Field Sales

I appreciated having a sounding board that seemed to "get it" without knowing all the intricacies of my job and me. I was able to present myself the way I wanted and express where I wanted to go with the coaching sessions. Jenny has seen everything and helped put things into a different and invaluable perspective.

Christina L. Principal DSD

Our time together focused on strategic brand-building, sharpening leadership skills, and interview preparation. Jenny has a gift for quickly grasping complex issues and driving transformational change through her 1:1 coaching.

Ben B. 

Sr. District Sales Manager

“To say my sessions were helpful would be an understatement.
Jenny helped me take day-to-day situations and apply an executive mindset to being a better leader for my team in everyday settings.”

Ashley S. District Manager

“Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect based on my tenure, but I appreciated your coaching style and the experience you brought to our discussions -- you get it! And, I walked away with a ton of takeaways.”

Jack A. VP of Sales

“I had two examples where I was able to use validation as a tool for empathy.  It allowed me to provide empathy and coaching in the same conversation -- making the discussion much more effective.”

Karin W. District Manager

Advance Forward Consulting is your solution to developing  impactful leaders through intentional skill development. 

Let's discuss how...

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